legal informations

legal :

all rights on the site are the property of EVOLUTION GROUP.these rights are reserved. all the documentation on this site is offered to our visitors only for personal use.

hosting: The site is hosted on the servers of the company: OVH

information: the information published, including its appearance and characteristics on the website are not contractual. EVOLUTION GROUP has made every effort to ensure that the information accessible through its website is accurate. however, we do not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, complete and up to date. EVOLUTION GROUP makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the whole or part of its website. under no circumstances can EVOLUTION GROUP be held liable for any direct or indirect damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from the use of its website. the establishment of hypertext links to other sites or resources available on the Internet network can not engage the responsibility of or that of its host because of the contents offered by the designated sites. EVOLUTION GROUP disclaims all liability for the adequacy of the information provided and the use that an internet user may make of it.

modification: reserves the right to modify or correct, at any time and without prior notice, the contents of its website, whatever their nature.

protection of personal data and security: no personal information is collected without your knowledge. no personal information is given to third parties and is used for unforeseen purposes. the site complies with the French laws on the protection of privacy. in accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete the data that concern you.

intellectual and industrial property rights: the website and their copyrights are protected as provided for in Book I, Title I and II of the Intellectual Property Code in its legislative part. Consequently, any use of the products including all or part of the website can only be done with written authorisation.

counterfeiting: any reproduction, representation or even partial use by any means whatsoever, carried out without written consent is prohibited and illegal. failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may involve the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. in addition, third-party owners of counterfeit content, whatever their nature, are entitled to take legal action against infringers. this provision also applies to Internet users.

litigation: in the event of disputes for non-compliance with the above provisions which will not be resolved amicably, the competent court will be the Commercial Court of PARIS and the French law will be expressly applicable.

« the data collected is processed by Renault S.A.S and members of Renault, as joint data controllers, in order to respond to your request and to send you offers and news. under certain conditions and in certain specific cases (provision of certain online services), your data is processed directly by Renault SAS (parent company of the group) as data controller.In accordance with the applicable regulations, you may request to obtain and verify the data Renault holds on you, rectify inaccurate information, delete data concerning you, and take a copy of your data for re-use elsewhere. you may also object at any time to the use of some of your data, in particular for direct marketing purpose or profiling, and ask to freeze the use of your may exercise all your rights directly by post to Renault SAS Direction juridique – Délégué à la protection des données, 13/15 quai le Gallo 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt. if you do not receive a reply or a satisfactory response from Renault, you may lodge a complaint with Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL). for more information, you can consult our personal data protection policy [clickable link to: